Friday, May 29, 2015

Adventure Shoes and PowerPoint Oops.

Holy cow. It has been so crazy since really settling into my time in Lewiston. I have been going going going. It has been wonderful and crazy all at the same time. Thankfully, I have had my Chacos (my adventures shoes). I think there has only been a couple days that I haven't worn them. They have taken me all over town, and I love them!! This last week, they have taken my a ton of places. Sunday we had a barbecue fundraiser for the youth group that I kind of was in charge of. It was great to just be able to jump in and do things. There has been the NAIA World Series all day every day since last Friday. I have watched more baseball this week than I have in my entire life. It's been really fun. Tonight is the championship and LCSC (Lewis Clark State College) is playing! This is the state college here in Lewiston so everyone and their dog is going to be at the game tonight. I have an LCSC shirt to wear and everything! It's going to be great! Because of baseball going late, and all the things I have been doing and learning, I am a little tired. Thankfully, though, I have Fridays and Saturdays off so this morning I got to sleep till 10:00!! It was so great to wake up and not have to do anything. Being an adult is rough...:) Wednesday was my second night in youth group. I almost have all of our regular kids' names down so I am feeling pretty accomplished. It's been fun to get to know a new set of students since I have known everyone at home my whole life. It has been a new experience. We did a scavenger hunt around town where we gave the kids pictures of just a part of a sign and the kids had to find it and take a picture with their group by the sign. We went all over the LC Valley. It was a blast and gave me a chance to not only get to know some students better but also to get to know where I am living better.
Here is my funny story for the week...
Yesterday I was putting together a slideshow for church on Sunday that had pictures of our graduating seniors on it. Because of all of the pictures, it ended up being a 60 slide slideshow. It was so long. Well my PowerPoint software crashed TWICE after I was basically done with the slideshow. By the time I had put the slideshow together for the third time I was pretty frustrated. I was tired of doing the same thing over and over and it was taking forever. So I finally finished it the third time and was getting ready to add music to it, except that Aaron kept talking to me. So I finally looked at him and said, "I just have to finish this stupid slideshow and then I can talk to you." Well...apparently as I was adding the music, it was recording my voice. When I went to watch the final product, instead of music I heard, "I just have to finish this stupid PowerPoint.  I just have to finish this stupid PowerPoint.  I just have to finish this stupid PowerPoint. " OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. At this point, Aaron is laughing and I am panicking because I can't give this church a slideshow with me saying that over and over again! As much as I miss everyone back home, I am not ready to get sent home yet!:) Anyways, after a bit of a struggle to figure out how to erase that little blessing, I finally finished the slideshow, but you can be sure that I will watch it one more time before Sunday morning to make sure it's gone.
I miss everyone at home. Especially my parents and brothers and David. It is hard to not see them everyday, but thankfully we have things like FaceTime and group messages to keep it from being super super hard being away from them.
This week Aaron and I are getting ready to take 30 students to Salt Lake City for a mission trip! It's going to be great, and I will update on that trip too:)
I love and miss everyone back home!!
This was my group at one of our stops for the scavenger hunt!

LCSC playing last night in the semifinals. Championship here we come!

This is how David feels about me being gone. I love him:)

My adventure shoes at the games earlier this week! Yay for baseball and chacos!

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