Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Where My Feet May Take Me

April 13th, 2015
I am moving to Idaho for the summer. In 26 day I will be 2,155 miles from the only home I have ever known. I could say this adventure began a year and a half ago when I called Aaron Middleton for the first time to talk about interning (I am a planner in case you didn't know:)), or in January when we set a date for when I arrived, however my adventure began last night on April 14th, at 6:30.
Last night I bought my adventure shoes for the summer, and am now the proud owner of a pair of green Chacos. This may seem silly to some, but I know the significance of these shoes.
In these shoes I will fly alone for the first time. In these shoes I will travel to places I have never gone before. More importantly, though, I will grow in these shoes. When I return in August I will be a different person than when I left. I will have experienced really being away from home. I will have bought my own plane tickets, spent my own money I've saved up for the last year and a half, and made decisions really truly on my own.
In these shoes I will grow as a minister of the gospel. I will learn the ins and outs of ministry in a way I never have before simply because the church is so different from my own. In these shoes I will do missions work in Salt Lake City. In these shoes I will form relationships with students, mentors, and friends that never would have been possible had I not stepped out of my comfort zone for this new adventure.
In these shoes I will conquer fears of all things new and uncomfortable, but I am ready. I have my adventure shoes that will take me on the journey that God has set before me and I am so excited. I can't wait. I am ready!